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Childcare Centers and Classrooms: How to Support Autistic Students

Childcare Centers and Classrooms: How to Support Autistic Students

There are so many things that daycare, preschool, and elementary school teachers are expected to know. They need to know how to teach multiple subjects, they need to be experts in classroom management, and they have to be educated in various special needs. According to the May Institute, Autism is currently the 3rd most common developmental disability. Teachers often aren't given the tools on how to design classrooms that are most effective for these learners. In this talk we will discuss ways that teachers can design classrooms to make them more Autism friendly. This training does not qualify for BCBA CEUs but does qualify for OSSE credits and is ideal for prek-elementry school teachers and daycare providers. 


  • Participants will be able to define characteristics of Autism

  • Participants will be able to identity best ways to decorate the classroom, use visual tools, and integrate sensory tools in order to make a classroom most supportive

  • Participants will be able to implement some strategies to facilitate play between Autistic and non-Autistic students 


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